Rooting Trees
Rooting Trees came about because when I associate grounding I always visualize tree roots going down from my Root Chakra, down my legs and around my feet and all the way down to the center of the Earth. Anchoring me to my physical form and keeping me grounded to Earth, so I thought it was only appropriate to make the Root Chakra pillow a tree as what better way to ground then to dig your roots down like a tree.
Crystals & ChakraRoot Chakra:
The Root is our 1st Chakra, at the base of our major Chakra's and it connects us to the Earth. It holds our survival center, our sense of safety and security. It is our 1st Chakra because it's always important start balancing and strengthening through this Chakra as we want to ground to the Earth before opening up the top Chakra's, lack of stability can lead to an unbalanced opening and personal growth. It's hard to create change and transformation if we don't feel safe and secure. Garnet: A beautiful dark burgundy crystal, garnet holds a protective and calming energy that promotes stability of emotions in crisis, this is useful for the fight or flight instincts held in the Root Chakra and can help us to process situations that trigger these emotions and make positive decisions, also bringing courage and hope. It helps balance the energy system as a while but is particularly useful in strengthening our survival instincts which leads to a greater sense of safety and security. Red Jasper: Has a cleansing affect and helps alleviate negativity which in turn can reduce stress in our lives and creates protective energy. While it holds a high spiritual energy, it also connects with Earth energies helping us find a healthy balance. It is a strong stone of passion and can help men in regulating their sexual drive and passion, especially for men since the Root Chakra controls their reproductive and sexual organs. Mookaite: Is also a form of Jasper but it's varying colours from deep purple, maroon, yellow and white originate from Australia and bring a reminder of the fiery strength and vitality the Earth holds. It holds the capacity to help us overcome procrastination so we can move forward in a grounded state, knowing where we need to go next. The sense of security offered by Mookaite is one in knowing our own power, strength and ability to be independent. Smokey Quartz: Is a dark variety of quartz, it holds the properties of this high vibration crystal but even more, it brings that energy down through the Chakra system through the Crown and anchors it at the Root. It helps to release tension, stress and especially useful during anxiety attacks. Smokey Quartz raises the vibration of other crystals it is near, amplifying their energy and properties while keeping the energy grounded to the Earth. |
How to Use |
Place the Rooting Tree at the joining of your legs, should be just over your pubic bone and the trunk of the tree can fold down between the legs since the Root Chakra actually opens downwards towards the Earth. You can sit with the tree while working at a desk, especially around computers as it will help ground the energies that can be affected by electronics. You can also chooses to sleep with it or just just keep it in your lap when you're seated.